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2024-05-03 23:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


开窗函数的理解参见: 理解hive中的开窗函数

over()中除了可以使用partition by选择分组字段外, 还有以下函数

order by 排序 指定聚合行的范围, 配合order by使用 current row: 当前行 n PRECEDING: 往前 n 行数据 n FOLLOWING: 往后 n 行数据 UNBOUNDED PRECEDING 表示从前面的起点 UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING 表示到后面的终点 生成新的列 LAG(col,n): 往后第 n 行数据 LEAD(col,n): 往前第 n 行数据 NTILE(n): 把有序分区中的行分发到指定数据的组中, 各个组有编号, 编号从 1 开始,对于每一行, NTILE 返回此行所属的组的编号。 注意: n 必须为 int 类型。 生成新的列: Rank RANK()排序相同时会重复, 总数不会变 DENSE_RANK() 排序相同时会重复, 总数会减少 ROW_NUMBER() 会根据顺序计算 在over()中使用排序

order by


未排序 hive (default)> select name,orderdate,cost, sum(cost) over(partition by name) as sample from business; name orderdate cost sample jack 2017-01-01 10 176 jack 2017-02-03 23 176 jack 2017-01-05 46 176 jack 2017-04-06 42 176 jack 2017-01-08 55 176 mart 2017-04-13 94 299 mart 2017-04-08 62 299 mart 2017-04-09 68 299 mart 2017-04-11 75 299 排序 hive (default)> select name,orderdate,cost, sum(cost) over(partition by name order by orderdate) as sample3 from business; name orderdate cost sample3 jack 2017-01-01 10 10 jack 2017-01-05 46 56 jack 2017-01-08 55 111 jack 2017-02-03 23 134 jack 2017-04-06 42 176 mart 2017-04-08 62 62 mart 2017-04-09 68 130 mart 2017-04-11 75 205 mart 2017-04-13 94 299 指定开窗聚合的行 rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and CURRENT ROW

从起行到当前行的聚合, 而不是对行组内的所有行进行聚合, 配合order by使用

hive (default)> select name,orderdate,cost, sum(cost) over(partition by name order by orderdate rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and current row ) as sample from business; name orderdate cost sample jack 2017-01-01 10 10 jack 2017-01-05 46 56 jack 2017-01-08 55 111 jack 2017-02-03 23 134 jack 2017-04-06 42 176 mart 2017-04-08 62 62 mart 2017-04-09 68 130 mart 2017-04-11 75 205 mart 2017-04-13 94 299 neil 2017-05-10 12 12 neil 2017-06-12 80 92 tony 2017-01-02 15 15 tony 2017-01-04 29 44 tony 2017-01-07 50 94 rows between 1 PRECEDING and current row

将上一行与本行聚合, 而不是将行组内所有行聚合

hive (default)> select name,orderdate,cost, sum(cost) over(partition by name order by orderdate rows between 1 PRECEDING and current row) as sample from business; jack 2017-01-01 10 10 jack 2017-01-05 46 56 jack 2017-01-08 55 101 jack 2017-02-03 23 78 jack 2017-04-06 42 65 mart 2017-04-08 62 62 mart 2017-04-09 68 130 mart 2017-04-11 75 143 mart 2017-04-13 94 169 neil 2017-05-10 12 12 neil 2017-06-12 80 92 tony 2017-01-02 15 15 tony 2017-01-04 29 44 tony 2017-01-07 50 79 rows between 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING


rows between current row and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING


rows between current row and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING


窗口聚合函数: LAG, LEAD, NTILE


LAG复制目标列, 并后移n行. LEAD复制目标列, 并前移n行 NTILE, 新列字段值用于分组. LAG(col, n)


select name,orderdate,cost, lag(orderdate,1,'1900-01-01') over(partition by name order by orderdate ) as time1, lag(orderdate,2) over (partition by name order by orderdate) as time2 from business;

结果: time1将orderdate列往后移一行, time2往后移两行

name orderdate cost time1 time2 jack 2017-01-01 10 1900-01-01 NULL jack 2017-01-05 46 2017-01-01 NULL jack 2017-01-08 55 2017-01-05 2017-01-01 jack 2017-02-03 23 2017-01-08 2017-01-05 jack 2017-04-06 42 2017-02-03 2017-01-08 mart 2017-04-08 62 1900-01-01 NULL mart 2017-04-09 68 2017-04-08 NULL mart 2017-04-11 75 2017-04-09 2017-04-08 mart 2017-04-13 94 2017-04-11 2017-04-09 neil 2017-05-10 12 1900-01-01 NULL neil 2017-06-12 80 2017-05-10 NULL tony 2017-01-02 15 1900-01-01 NULL tony 2017-01-04 29 2017-01-02 NULL tony 2017-01-07 50 2017-01-04 2017-01-02 LEAD(col, n)

同时, 只是往前移指定的行数


需要配合order by使用

select * from ( select name,orderdate,cost, ntile(5) over() sorted from business ) t;

结果: ntitle(5), 增加一列(组标签), 用于分组, 这里为5组 t.orderdate t.cost t.sorted jack 2017-01-01 10 1 tony 2017-01-02 15 1 jack 2017-02-03 23 1 tony 2017-01-04 29 2 jack 2017-01-05 46 2 jack 2017-04-06 42 2 tony 2017-01-07 50 3 jack 2017-01-08 55 3 mart 2017-04-08 62 3 mart 2017-04-09 68 4 neil 2017-05-10 12 4 mart 2017-04-11 75 4 neil 2017-06-12 80 5 mart 2017-04-13 94 5

如果分组是行数数以n有余数, 则从上到下每组增加一行, 直到所以行都有组标签.

聚合函数: rank


RANK() 排序相同时会重复, 总数不会变 DENSE_RANK() 排序相同时会重复, 总数会减少 ROW_NUMBER() 会根据顺序计算 select name, subject, score, rank() over(partition by subject order by score desc) rp, dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by score desc) drp, row_number() over(partition by subject order by score desc) rmp from score; name subject score rp drp rmp sk 数学 95 1 1 1 zs 数学 86 2 2 2 ls 数学 85 3 3 3 ww 数学 56 4 4 4 zs 英语 84 1 1 1 ww 英语 84 1 1 2 ls 英语 78 3 2 3 sk 英语 68 4 3 4 ww 语文 94 1 1 1 sk 语文 87 2 2 2 ls 语文 65 3 3 3 zs 语文 64 4 4 4




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